Navegando pelo blog do Denilson "inglês na ponta da língua" olha só o que eu descobri...
Well, everybody has a name right? so...did you know that every name has a secret?
how about finding out the secret of your name?
let's start with my name ADRIANA
A - you can be very quiet when you have something on your mind
D - you have trouble trusting people
R - you are a social butterfly
I - you are always smiling and making others smile
A - you can be very quiet when you have sth on your mind
N - you like to work, but always want a break
A - you can be very quiet when you have sth on your mind
hey, e não é que dá certo!!! Really cool!!!
Now, it's your turn! try yourself with your own name or your friend's name. Attention to the letters below:
A- you can be very quiet when you have something on your mind
B - you are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people
C - you definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it
D - you have trouble trusting people
E - you are a very exciting person
F - everyone loves you
G - you have excellent ways of viewing people
H - you are not judmental
I - you are always smiling, and making others smile
J - jealously
K - you like to try new things
L - love is something you deeply believe in
M - success comes easily to you
N - you like to work, but always want a break
O - you are very open-minded
P - you are very friendly and understanding
Q - you are a hypocrite
R - you are a social butterfly
S - you are a very broad - minded
T - you have an attitude, a big one
U - you feel like you have to equal up to people's standards
V - you have a very good physique and looks
W - you like your privacy
X - you never let people tell you what to do
Y - you cause a lot of trouble
Z - you are always fighting with someone
Enjoy it! Take care guys!!! ;)