quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2009

Happy New Year!!!

I wish you...




















Dear all, thanks a lot!!! HAPPY 2010!!!

segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2009

movies genres

Last Sunday I went to the cinema to watch "Paranormal Activity". I love horror movies but this film really scared me! Gosh!

as we are talking about movies... what kind of movies /films do you like?

  • horror movie/film (filme de terror)
  • comedy (comédia)
  • thriller (suspense)
  • western
  • action (ação)
  • romantic (romântico)
  • war (guerra)
  • cartoon (desenho)
  • epic (épico)
  • musical

By the way, I think I'm going to rent a DVD right now... see ya guys!


Key words:
movie = filme (american english)
film - filme (british english)
to rent a DVD = locar um DVD

sábado, 5 de dezembro de 2009


Christmas is coming... ho ho ho!!!

Bom, nesta época do ano provavelmente todos já montaram a sua Christmas tree. Claro, eu já montei a minha, e nela eu coloquei vários Christmas ornaments, entre eles balls and Christmas lights. Também é de costume colocarmos em nossas portas Christmas wreath. Fica tudo tão bonito!

Nessa época também muitas famílias e amigos fazem o famoso Secret Santa e trocam gifts.

Na Christmas Eve, os gifts são colocados under the tree e também ouvimos muitas Christmas carols. Elas me deixam muito emotivas!

Para as crianças é o Santa Claus que deixa os gifts para elas. Ele percorre o mundo em um sleigh puxado por reindeers. Falando em reindeers, vocês já ouviram falar do Rudolph? the red-noised reindeer! A mais importante reindeer do Santa Claus. Tem até um desenho sobre ele!

E pra finalizar, vc sabiam q Xmas é abreviação de Christmas? ok...so...

I wish you a Merry Christmas!!! Love and peace!!!

key words:
Christmas tree = Árvore de Natal
Christmas ornaments = Enfeites de natal
balls = bolas
Christmas lights = luzes de natal, pisca-pisca
Christmas wreath = guirlanda
Secret Santa = amigo secreto, oculto
gifts = presentes
Christmas Eve = Véspera de Natal
under the tree = embaixo da árvore
Christmas carols = canções de natal, músicas natalinas
Santa Claus = Papai Noel
Sleigh = trenó
reindeers = renas
red-noised reindeer = rena do nariz vermelho

sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2009


hi everyone! Hoje, um pouco de compreensão de texto, apresentando um novo vocabulário 'sleeping habits' ( pegar no sono, acordar, tirar uma soneca, etc...) ps: notas de vocabulário logo abaixo do texto
Enjoy it!!! ;)
My name is Janet and I'm a college student. I don't get much sleep on school days because I have so much to do. Usually when I go to bed I fall asleep very quickly, except when I'm worried about an exam or an assignment. I'm a heavy sleeper, which is a good thing because my neighborhood is kinda noisy. My roommate, on the other hand, is a light sleeper.

Whenever I use an alarm clock, I have to put it far away from my bed otherwise I'll just turn it off and go back to sleep. But even when I oversleep I'm usually able to make it to class on time.

I rarely take naps during the day. Sometimes it is really hard to stay awake while the professor is speaking - I doze off now and then during class.


I don't get much sleep = Eu não durmo muito

I fall asleep = Eu pego no sono, adormeço

I'm a heavy sleeper = Eu tenho o sono pesado

kinda noisy = meio barulhento (a)

light sleeper = pessoa que tem sono leve

go back to sleep = voltar a dormir

oversleep = dormir demais, além da conta

take naps = tirar sonecas

stay awake = ficar acordado

doze off = pegar no sono de leve (sem ter intenção); cochilar

quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2009

quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2009


What's your favorite?

Do you believe that each phase of the moon reveals a type of own energy?

terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2009


What's the meaning of BLUETOOTH???

Com certeza, você já conhece esse termo tecnológico ... mas você já parou pra pensar no que realmente ele significa? Não, não..não tem nada haver com "dente azul" (blue = azul, tooth = dente) e também nada haver com tecnologia...

Bluetooth era, na verdade, o apelido de Harald Blatand. Também conhecido como Harald 'Bluetooth', um influente rei dinamarquês que viveu por volta dos anos 935d.C. e 990d.C.

Reza a lenda que as tribos escandinávias encontravam-se sob ataques constantes de seus inimigos. Caso continuassem batalhando em separado perderiam todas as suas terras e riquezas. Foi então que Harald Bluetooth resolveu convocar uma reunião com os principais líderes escandinávios. Nesta reunião ele sugeriu que todos deveriam se unir em prol de um interesse comum: a defesa da terra e a vitória.

Uma das tribos que participou da reunião foi a tribo Skane. A união foi um sucesso. Conseguiram manter suas terras e fortaleceram-se mais que tudo. A tribo Skane deu origem ao pais que hoje conhecemos como Suécia. A empresa Nokia é da Suécia. Assim quando os profissionais da Nokia procuraram um nome para uma tecnologia inovadora que poderia unificar diferentes tecnologias como computadores e celulares, pensaram em ..................> "Bluetooth".

O nome dado à tecnologia nada mais é que uma homenagem ao rei Harald Bluetooth. Tudo por causa da unificação das tribos. Hoje a tecnologia Bluetooth unifica diferentes tecnologias e diferentes tribos [celulares de várias marcas, computadores, laptops, palmtops, blackberries, etc]. O coitado do rei dinamarquês não tinha dente azul e nem era um ser com poderes especiais. Isto eu garanto!

terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2009

Viajando na maionese!!!

Muitos alunos me perguntam

_ Teacher, como que fala "fulano está viajando na maionese" em inglês?

Alguns ainda arriscam: "traveling in the mayonnaise?".... No, no, no!!!

Em inglês existem muitas expressões idiomáticas* e elas não são traduzidas literalmente, ok?

*uma expressão idiomática é uma figura de linguagem onde um termo ou frase assume um significado especial do que as palavras isoladamente teriam.

So... pay attention!

Se você quer falar que alguém está viajando na maionese, diga assim:

"You're daydreaming" or "You're in lala land"


domingo, 18 de outubro de 2009

Pagode versions! uau!!!

You should listen to this brazilian guy! His name is Tulio and he lives in Buenos Aires, he translated 'literally' some pagodes songs into English!
For sure, you're gonna have some fun!
such as:
Marrom Bombom (Browm Goodgood)
Que se chama amor (That's called love)
and much more...

domingo, 11 de outubro de 2009

sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009

The secret of your name!!!


Navegando pelo blog do Denilson "inglês na ponta da língua" olha só o que eu descobri...

Well, everybody has a name right? so...did you know that every name has a secret?

how about finding out the secret of your name?

let's start with my name ADRIANA

A - you can be very quiet when you have something on your mind
D - you have trouble trusting people
R - you are a social butterfly
I - you are always smiling and making others smile
A - you can be very quiet when you have sth on your mind
N - you like to work, but always want a break
A - you can be very quiet when you have sth on your mind

hey, e não é que dá certo!!! Really cool!!!

Now, it's your turn! try yourself with your own name or your friend's name. Attention to the letters below:

A- you can be very quiet when you have something on your mind
B - you are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people
C - you definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it
D - you have trouble trusting people
E - you are a very exciting person
F - everyone loves you
G - you have excellent ways of viewing people
H - you are not judmental
I - you are always smiling, and making others smile
J - jealously
K - you like to try new things
L - love is something you deeply believe in
M - success comes easily to you
N - you like to work, but always want a break
O - you are very open-minded
P - you are very friendly and understanding
Q - you are a hypocrite
R - you are a social butterfly
S - you are a very broad - minded
T - you have an attitude, a big one
U - you feel like you have to equal up to people's standards
V - you have a very good physique and looks
W - you like your privacy
X - you never let people tell you what to do
Y - you cause a lot of trouble
Z - you are always fighting with someone

Enjoy it! Take care guys!!! ;)

quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009

Are you serious?

Geralmente quando conversamos expressamos reações de surpresas como: Nossa! Meu Deus! Não creio! entre outras...

Em inglês, isto também ocorre, vejam as mais comuns e tentem usá-las praticando em sala de aula, com seus colegas...

Really? [Sério? / Mesmo? / Verdade?]
Are you serious? [Vc tá falando sério? / Sério mesmo?]
No way! [Não pode ser! / Não creio!]
Wow! [Nossa!]
Oh, my gosh! [Ah. meu Deus!]
You're kidding! [Cê tá de bricadeira? / Vc tá de sacanagem?]
No! [Não!]

sexta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2009

The alphabet!

Pra você que está começando a estudar inglês e quer aprender o alfabeto, entre neste site

É fácil! Pratique bastante!

The alphabet is very important for many reasons:

1- alguem pode pedir para você soletrar o seu nome ou sobrenome, ou qualquer alguma outra palavra dependendo da situação;

2- além do mais usamos muitas abreviações em diálogos comuns tipo: CV (ci vi) - Curriculum Vitae, etc.

So, let's practice!

see you!

sábado, 4 de julho de 2009

Do you really like me?

We can use REALLY in different ways. Take a look in some of them:

REALLY (relamente, muito, de verdade)

My friend really likes the painting. He's going to buy it. (Meu amigo gosta muito do quadro. Ele vai comprá-lo)

They really like this restaurant. They come here every week. (Eles gostam mesmo desse restaurante. Eles vem aqui toda semana)

REALLY (enfatizando o don't like)

Jess really does not like sushi. she can't even smell it. (Jess não gosta mesmo de suhi. Ela não pode nem sentir o cheiro)

Tammy really does not like cell phones. Shes doesn't even have one. (Tammy não gosta mesmo de celulares. Ela nem tem um)

*Nos casos acima usamos o really depois do sujeito. Veja agora quando usamos depois do auxiliar negativo (don't), ele muda de função atenuando um pouco a negativa:

I don't really like horror movies. (Eu não gosto muito de / não ligo muito para filmes de terror)

And you? What do you really like or don't really like? (E você? O que você realmente gosta ou não gosta?)

you can use these topics to start writing :

sushi - chocolate - horror movies - soccer - mushrooms - onions - the beach

segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2009

We love slangs!!!

banana head = tonto, burro, cabeça de bagre

barbie doll = patricinha

bucks = dólares, "paus"

brazen = cara de pau

a chip off the old block = tal pai tal filho

clueless = por fora

cranky = motorista barbeiro

freak daddy / freak mommy= gatinho / gatinha

to have a thing about = ter mania de

e.g.: She has a thing about leaving the doors open = Ela tem mania de deixar as portas abertas

junk food = porcaria; comida com valor nutritivo baixo

nerd = cdf

a pain in the neck/ass = mala sem alça

pal = amigão, camarada

pay peanuts = pagar merreca

piece of cake = barbada, moleza

to put the record straight = por em pratos limpos

to ruin it = queimar o filme

shake a leg = apressar-se

stallion = garanhão

stuck up = metido

tacky = brega

to wheelspin = cantar pneu

to zone out = viajar na maionese

whopper = uma grande mentira

Now, try to make sentences with these slangs!!! If you want to add another one, be my guest! (Agora, tentem fazer frases com algumas dessas gírias! Se vc quiser acrescentar alguma outra, fique a vontade!)

terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2009

quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2009



They are very simple:

I'm going to give you a word and the challenge isto make other words with the letters of the word given,doesn't matter the order they will appear.(Será dada uma palavra e o desafio é fazer outras palavras com as letras da palavra dada)

You can not use names (Não pode usar nomes de pessoas)

3 letters at least (a palavra tem que ter pelo menos 3 letras)

English words only!!!

The word is... A R A C H N O P H O B I A

Quantas palavras você consegue formar durante essa semana? Não deixe de participar e exercitar seu vocabulário em inglês. Have fun!!!

segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2009

What's your favorite color?

Hi everybody!

Do you know every color has a certain meaning associated with it and that certain colors can actually change your mood for the better? Read on to learn about the different colors and their meanings.
(você sabia que toda cor tem um certo significado associado à ela e que certas cores na verdade podem mudar seu humor para melhor? Leia para aprender sobre as diferentes cores e os seus significados)

PINK is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Lovers of beauty favor pink. A pink carnation means "I will never forget you".
Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth and love, acceptance.
Put some pink in your life when you want:
calm feelings;
to neutralize disorder;

  • RED is the warmest of all colors. Red is the color most chosen by extroverts and one of the top picks of males. On the negative side red can mean temper or anger. In China, red is the color of prosperity and joy. Brides wear red and front doors are often painted red. Red is Tuesday's color. Red roses symbolize passionate love. Ruby rings should be worn on the left hand.
    Red is the color of blood. It brings focus to the essence of life and living with emphasis on survival. Red is also the color of passion and lust.
    Put some red in your life when you want:
    increased enthusiasm and interest;
    more energy;
    action and confidence to go after your dreams;
    protection from fears and anxieties.

BROWN - People who prefer brown are often conventional and orderly. The negative meaning of brown can be a repressed personality or a lazy person. Brown is the color of the earth and is associated with the material side of life.
Put some brown in your life when you want:
a solid wholesome feeling;
to blend with the background;
a connection with natural earth and the stability this brings
orderliness and convention.

  • ORANGE is a power color. It is one of the healing colors. It is said to increase the craving for food. It also stimulates enthusiasm and creativity. Orange means vitality with endurance. People who like orange are usually thoughtful and sincere. Lady luck's color is orange. I have been told that if a change of any kind is need in life, just burn an orange candle for 7 nights.
    Put some orange in your life when you want:
    to spice things up when you feel time is dragging;
    to become more involved in something;
    to increase creativity;
    relief from things becoming too serious.

YELLOW - The shade of yellow determines the meaning. Pure, bright and sunny yellow is the easiest color to see. People who are blind to other colors can usually see yellow. Yellow is full of creative and intellectual energy. Always use yellow note pads.
Yellow symbolizes wisdom. Yellow means joy and happiness. People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow daffodils are a symbol of unrequited love. Sunday's color is yellow-gold.
Put some yellow in your life when you want:
clarity for decision-making
relief from 'burnout', panic, nervousness, exhaustion
sharper memory and concentration skills
protection from lethargy and depression during dull weather

  • GREEN is the color of nature, fertility, life. Grass green is the most restful color. Green symbolizes self-respect and well being. Green is the color of balance. It also means learning, growth and harmony. Green is a safe color, if you don't know what color to use anywhere use green.
    Green is favored by well balanced people. Green symbolizes the master healer and the life force. It often symbolizes money. It was believed green was healing for the eyes. . Friday is the day of green. Green jade is a sacred stone of Asia.
    Put some green in your life when you want:
    a new state of balance
    feel a need for change or growth
    freedom to pursue new ideas
    protection from fears and anxieties connected with the demands of others

BLUE is the coolest color - the color of the sky, ocean, sleep, twilight. The ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli to represent heaven. Blue symbolizes the Virgin Mary. A pure blue is the color of inspiration, sincerity and spirituality. Blue is often the chosen color by conservative people. Blue is the calming color. That makes it a wonderful color to use in the home, especially for babies. Dark blue is the color of truth and moderation. Wednesday's color is blue. Blue gemstones to wear to feel calm are blue sapphire and blue topaz.

Turquoise is the symbol of youth, both the color and the gemstone. This color has a soothing affect. Turquoise is the color of communication. It contains the growth quality of green with the blue quality of communication. Turquoise has long been used in amulets to provide protection, health, confidence and strength.

Aqua is the color of high ideals.
Put some blue in your life when you want:
calm and relaxation to counteract chaos or agitation
to open the flow of communication
to broaden your perspective in learning new information
solitude and peace

  • PURPLE is the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. Purple is a good color to use in meditation.
    Purple has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty. Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors, purple is believed to be the ideal color. Thursday's color is purple.
    Violet is the color of purpose. Violet is associated with the Crown chakra (This links individual and universal).
    Put some violet in your life when you want:
    to use your imagination to its fullest
    to re-balance your life
    to remove obstacles
    to calm overactivity or to energize from depression

WHITE is the color of purity. Brides wear white in many countries, because white symbolizes a virgin. White means kindness. In some cultures white is worn at funerals. White is Monday's color. White daisies are a symbol of loyal love.
Strictly speaking, white is not a color, but the manifestation of the presence of all color - the complete energy of light. It stands for wholeness and completion. In many cultures it represents openness and truth. White has a cold quality. It can provide clarity as its energy is complete.
Put some white in your life when you want:
to clear clutter and obstacles away
to start a fresh beginning
to bring about mental clarity
purification of thoughts or actions

  • BLACK is the most misunderstood color. Black symbolizes death in some cultures. Native Americans thought black was good because it was the color of soil, which gives life. Saturday's color is black.
    Black is not a color, strictly speaking. It is the absence of all color. When people speak of opposites, it is usually in terms of black and white. Black, and its opposite white, represent polarities. Black absorbs all aspects of light. While white reveals, black conceals. It has come to mean hidden, fearful or bad experience. It is linked to the unknown or the unseen.
    In times of fear and uncertainty black contains the energy of the threatening unknown. In a positive state, black is seen as a restful emptiness into which anything may emerge and disappear once again. It is also mysterious, providing a sense of potential and possibility.
    Put some black in your life when you want:
    to become inconspicuous
    to open the door to mystery
    to prepare for the unknown
    a restful emptiness
GRAY is the color of sorrow. People who favor gray can be the lone wolf type or narrow-minded. Gray with more silver in it can be a very active color.
Native Americans associate gray with friendship. Gray is the symbol for security, maturity and dependability. It connotes responsibility and conservative practicality.
Gray is the true neutral color. Its energy imparts void, emptiness, lack of movement, emotion, warmth and identifying characteristics. Because of this, gray can be restful. It has a detached and isolated feeling. Gray can have a cooling effect when placed next to other more vibrant colors. It has a stabilizing effect, making vibrant colors stand out while muting their vibration.
Put some gray in your life when you want:
to emphasize your willingness to comply
a neutral, non-invasive feeling
to reduce the intense energy of another color
to feel detached or isolated

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009



Quanto ao ensino de línguas, as estratégias de aprendizagem são super importantes e enriquecedoras!!!

Aqui vão algumas dicas para usar em sala de aula!

Take a look!

1.) Ask for help (Peça ajuda)

a. What does (teacher) mean?

b. What is (professor) in English?

c. How do you say (mesa) in English?

d. How do spell that?

e. How do you pronounce that?

f. Can you say that again, please?

2.) Keep a vocabulary record (Anote os vocabulários)

a. During class, write important words in your notebook. (Durante a aula, escreva palavras importantes no seu caderno)

b. Later, copy them into a separate vocabulary book. (Depois, copie-as em um outro caderno de vocabulário)

c. Write a translation or explanation of each word and an example of how to use it. (Escreva uma tradução ou uma explicação de cada palavra e um exemplo de como usá-la)

Ex: kitchen - cozinha - There is a refrigerator in the kitchen

d. If possible, write words in groups in your vocabulary book. (Se possível, escreva palavras em grupos no seu caderno de vocabulário)

Ex: Colors, Rooms, Adjectives

3.) Learn to use a dictionary. (Aprenda a usar o dicionário)

4.) When you hear a new word or structure, say it a few times to yourself before writing it down. (quando você ouvir uma palavra ou uma estrutura nova, fale a palavra (ou estrutura) algumas vezes antes de escrevê-la)

5.) Practice reading dialogs aloud when you are not in class. (Pratique a leitura de diálogos em voz alta quando você não estiver na aula)

6.) When listening, relax and don't panic! (No listening, fique calmo e não entre em pânico)

7.) Don't worry if you don't understand every word. You need to understand the context. (Não se preocupe se não entender toda palavra. Você precisa entender o contexto)

8.) Pay special attention to the stressed words. These often contain more information. (Prestem atenção especial às palavras enfatizadas. Essas geralmente contém mais informaçãoes)

9.) When reading, don't look up every new word in a dictionary immediately. First, try to guess its meaning from the context. (Na leitura, não procure todas as palavras novas no dicionário. Primeiro, tente adivinhar seu significado dentro do contexto)

10.) Try to see and read whole phrases or sentences rather than individual words. (Tente ver e ler todas as frases ou sentenças em vez de palavras individuais)

11.) Write down in your notebook any words that you think are useful or interesting to learn. (Escreva em seu caderno qualquer palavra que você acha que são úteis ou interessantes para aprender)

Now, try to use it in class ok?

see ya...kisses!

sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2009

Words in a Word

Hi Guys!!!


here is a good oportunity to practice your vocabulary!

The rules are very simple:

I'm going to give you a word and the challenge is
to make other words with the letters of the word given,
doesn't matter the order they will appear.
(Será dada uma palavra e o desafio é fazer outras palavras com as letras da palavra dada)

You can not use names (Não pode usar nomes de pessoas)

3 letters at least (a palavra tem que ter pelo menos 3 letras)

English words only!!!

o vencedor é quem conseguir escrever o máximo de palavras.

the word will be.... C H O C O L A T E
Example: ACT (atuar, agir)

Now, you...

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

The Importance of being Bilingual !!!

This video shows in a funny way the importance of speaking another language!
What do you think about it?
Watch it and give your opinion!
See ya!!!